"A Beautiful Girl" is a piece that invites a personal connection with the central figure, capturing a moment of quiet introspection within the lively atmosphere of a typical holiday scene. Despite this vibrant setting, her thoughtful expression draws you in. My goal was to create a sense of curiosity and connection, prompting you to wonder about her inner world—what she’s thinking, where her thoughts have wandered. By portraying an everyday holiday scene with this contrast, I aimed to create an emotional link between her and the viewer, highlighting a moment of personal reflection amid the surrounding activity. 

A Beautiful Girl

Oil on canvas stretched canvas - unframed

200 x 200 cm
(78  x 78 in)All original artworks are signed and come with a signed certificate or statement of authenticity. 


Original pieces are only available to be shipped within the UK. If you live outside the UK and are interested in an original piece of work. Please contact me at jackie@makethepiece.com  for a shipping price. 





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