Friday Night
"Friday Night" is a piece I painted to explore the dynamics of a typical night in a traditional pub. The barman, lost in thought, symbolises the feeling of being disconnected even in a busy place, dreaming of being elsewhere.

On the left, two women are having a drink when an older man approaches with a glass of wine. He’s met with discomfort—one woman pulls away, while the other avoids eye contact. In the background, two men at the bar watch and laugh, adding to the awkwardness of the scene.

I wanted to evoke empathy and even a bit of sympathy for the older man. His attempt to connect, though clumsy, highlights the loneliness and vulnerability that can underlie such interactions. Through this painting, I aimed to capture the complexity of these everyday moments, inviting viewers to consider the emotions and stories behind them.


Friday Night - 2022

Oil on canvas stretched canvas - unframed

200 x 145 cm
(78.7 x 57 in)

All original artworks are signed and come with a signed certificate or statement of authenticity. 


Original pieces are only available to be shipped within the UK. If you live outside the UK and are interested in an original piece of work. Please contact me at  for a shipping price. 





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